About Us

We're a restaurant group serving high-quality casual grub to eaters with high standards. We care about our customers more than everyone else.

Nothing gives us more anxiety than watching someone try our food for the first time. A lukewarm reaction drags our spirits through the mud, but even a hint of joy lifts us through difficult days. If you're not happy, we're not happy.

If you are not satisfied with any purchase for any reason, we will give you back your money, no questions asked.

Not gonna lie, refunds hurt. We absorb the cost of food, the cost of delivery, the cost of labor, and the cost of money. But if it means making things right and winning you back, we're more than willing to take that chance.

We're a business run by people–imperfect people–so inevitably, we make mistakes. On a good day, it's simply forgetting the ketchup; on a bad one, it's ruining someone's birthday with late food. If we screw up or don't meet your expectations, tell us so we could help you out.

"Complaining is caring" is something we always say. Do not ever feel ashamed or guilty about giving us feedback. We consider ourselves a work-in-progress and everyday is an opportunity to get better. Whenever you take time to tell us how we're doing, you're setting us on the right path.

Lastly, thank you for stopping by our shop! We're crossing our fingers that we'll be able to provide you with excellent food and service. But if we somehow fall short of your expectations, please let us know—we'll come running to make things right. 🙌